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Mundial Coordination Team 2020-2022 of THE COMMUNITY for human development.

Meeting by Zoom at 16 h (EU time) with the participation of: Yolanda Irisarri, Fulvio Faro and Angel Pascual.

After the greetings, a brief summary of the previous minutes is made.

Agenda: Report on activities and proposals for functions.

Coordination: Yolanda informs that contact with the liaisons of the different countries continues to be prioritized, giving priority to those who had not sent activities to the Newsletter. Acknowledgement of receipt has been received from Peru and a response from the Chilean Coordination Team (Gloria) stating that they are helping in neighborhoods with meals, raffles, etc.

A communication has been sent to the rest of the Country liaisons, encouraging them to expand their participation through the next Newsletter.

Newsletter: Fulvio reports that he contacted India and although he has no Country liaison, they will try to note their activities for the next Newsletter as well as reconnect with the friends of the Community who were in Nepal.

In the next Newsletter, the activities of some Base Teams that were not published in the last Newsletter will be included. The links of each Country will be noted at the end of the Bulletin, and the links of the different Base Teams themselves will be left to spread their actions.

Web: Angel informs that, thanks to Giorgio Mancuso, the Official Materials and the Recommended Materials have already been included in the web. There are still pending things (uploading the Foundational Documents, Minutes, adapting the Tabs of the web, etc.) that will be done soon.

Books: Fulvio reports on the subject, it is commented that, as the whole book has already been revised by Martine Siccard, all that remains is to revise the back cover in French, layout the edition, ask for estimates and send it to the presses. The issue of expanding the edition of the Community Book in Italian will be discussed at a future meeting in Italy.

Census: It is suggested to fix June again as the key annual month of the Organism, at an organizational level, after the adaptation to the pandemic in 2020, it will be evaluated in the next chat. It is important to emphasize to the Country Liaisons that it is essential to receive the annual collection at the Mundial Coordination Team in order to be registered as a Full Member of the Community. If the collection does not reach the MCT, you will not be registered as a Full Member.

October 2nd: International Day of Non-violence. It is left to remember the importance of this date in The Community, leaving for the next chat how to do it, (previous Bulletin, Zoom with country links, etc).

And to make a calendar with the world milestones in the next meeting.

Next Zoom Meeting: May 16, at 16h (Europe Region) and 21h (Asia Region).

Nothing else. Thank you very much.

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World Coordination Team - Communication April 3, 2015

Dear Friends of The Community


We hope everyone is well!

We would like to resume contact and comment about the milestones on the

inner-organizational calendar of the organism in the months of April and May 2015.

As you recall, in june 2014 the elections in the Base Teams, the Country Coordinating Teams and World Coordination Team (WCT) were made. A month earlier, there were the census and the global financial campaign.

Elections for the Country Teams and the WCT are every two years, so we will not have elections this year in those instances, but it will be done at the level of Base Teams, where elections are conducted annually.

We’ll also make the annual financial campaign, as reflected in the schedule below.

The value of the contribution in each country, will be the same as last year (see table at the end of this communication*).

The distribution of the contributions is as follows:

60%: Base Team

30%: Country Coordinating Team.

10%: World Coordination Team.

The Census will be based on the full members who have made their collection and include the number of full members, advocacy groups and base teams in each country.

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