October 2, 2017: International Day of Nonviolence

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“To become aware of, learn and produce concrete actions based on the Methodology of Nonviolence is the only way to banish violence from the World”

In 2007, the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) established the 2nd of October, the day of Mahatma Gandhi’s birth, as the “International Day of Nonviolence”. So, this year we celebrate its tenth anniversary.

Violence strikes the world and spreads over the planet in the form of conventional wars, occupied territories, nuclear threats (that could lead to a future nuclear catastrophe), famines, massive migrations, economic exploitation, crises of millions of refugees, terrorist attacks, violence at schools, in the cities, in the homes, and violence also within people, expressing itself as internal suffering. Violence, in all its forms (physical, economic, racial, religious, moral and psychological) is a fundamental part of an individualistic and dehumanizing system whose methodology of action always generates more violence.

The solution to the problem of different forms of violence exists, and lies in applying a precise methodology: the “Methodology of Active Nonviolence”.

Nonviolence is a methodology of action that promotes a profound individual and social transformation.

Nonviolence is a force capable of changing the violent and inhuman direction of current events.

Nonviolence promotes a new internal and external attitude towards life, having as main tools:

The Methodology of nonviolence has been expressed in history with clear actions and developments in its attempt to transform the world. Contributions such as those made by Leo Tolstoy, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Mandela, and more recently by the Guide to Nonviolence and founder of the current of thought known as New Humanism, Silo.

The Nonviolence Methodology is also expressed in the thousands and thousands of common actions that millions of people do daily around the planet. Organizations, groups of volunteers and individuals who, with a spirit of solidarity, try to transform the situations of violence that exist around them.

They are the signs of nonviolence, the signs of a new spirituality and a new solidarity. Signs of a new personal and social horizon, that we need to build. They are the signs of a nonviolent evolution of which each one of us can be a part.

It is the right time for expressing the calm and powerful message of Nonviolence. A moment of great need, in which we must express our best qualities to build a nonviolent future.

On the 2nd of October we will radiate a message to the world with Force that says:
“The Methodology of Nonviolence is the only way out”
